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Pitcairn Language compiled over the many years. I learn from my Mum Mavis and from Bernice Christian a lot about our Language, our History and our Polynesian foremothers.



Awas langwege

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Ahua- Jumping fish in rock pools also known as Jebed.

Alligaita- Avocado

Alwei- Coconut flower sheath

Arra- Single or double prong spear

Arra-Spear for fishing. Arrow for pointing the way.


Arle hau-Endemic plant of PI- Place name above Tautama

Aute-A plant used for making Tapa ClothPaper Mulberry plant

Aulwa-Jack type fish

Ahurei- Full of shit. Talking crap.

Armpho- A type of fern.



Baek rice- A sweeten rice baked in coconut milk

Bal- Bell

Barra- Wheelbarrow

Bawl- Cry

Bembair-Just incase

Bescet-Biscuit. Mainy referr to arrowroot Biscuit

Bi yu gwen-Where are you going

Bile- Boil-A sore like a pimple or carbuncal

Bile- To cook up something in a pot of water.

Bile satch-Boiled Thatch

Bile Sydney- Ripe sydney banana boiled or steamed

Bitey Bitey-Sea snail barnicle on the rocks and in pools

Blue Bortle - Jelly fish- Portugese Man o war

Blue es a pi pi- Homesick

Bohie- Salt water eel

Boithei-To hack, to cut up

Bolt- A fireplace with 2 rod setup high enough for a fire underneath for cooking

Boni boni- A small reddish fish with lots of bones and sharp tulla

Bono bono- knotty


Breid- Uru -Breadfruit

Breid chips- Breadfruit chips

Breid Pilhi- A pilhi made using ripe breadfruit

Bubbei- Breast

Bully beef- Can meat

Byke- Any type of Push, quad, 3 wheeler.


Cum lorng fer ucklan


Caic- Poo

Cait- Cat 

Ca'fut -Don’t know why

Ca'fut wunt-Don’t know why we want it

Ca'wa- Don’t know

Ca'way-Don’t know where it is


Ca'wa-I don’t know


Cly- Cry

Cocscom- Hybiscus- Roosters comb

Crosset- To cross

Coppa- A drum or large copper pot set in a fireplace to heat water for washing

Cucbreid- Cooked breadfruit Uru

Cuta- Wahoo fish


Domine wussing wi tull


Dan fit- To sing out of tune

Dar fer awas-That one of ours

Daffy-That way



Dawgs heid-A stone shaped similar to dogs head between Landing & Issac's

Deffy-This way

Diga- A wooden or metal rod flatten on the top to sharp point for husking coconut

Digga- Excavator

Dreig- Lag behind. Go slow

Dodoo- Anvil- Log to beat Tapa

Doen- Doing it

Dauta- Daughter

Dawgs caic- Dogs shit

Duff- A steamed Pineapple sweet bread

Duncan- Longdrop toilet

Dunna- Don’t do it

Dunna Stoli- Don’t tell lies


Edige- Edge

E'ei- A wooden or whalebone pounder with grooves for making Tapa

Ell- Can

Emon Fruit- A sour Brazillian cherry

En- And

Essi fish- A long floating fish by the shore

Es- It is

Et- it

Enca- Anchor

Ent mi-It is not me

Ent mine- It is not mine

Enwah- and why not- that’s great

Ent yuwn- It is not yours

Es - It is

Es Guddun- It is good- Very good


G'- Go

Gal- Woman

George poei- Small grey shellfish sticking to rocks

Gleni Crab- Land and Water crab light purplish black colour

Ghot- Goat

Grain- 6 prong spear

Grarb- Grab

G'rummer- Rock fishing at night using a torch and spear

Gorwa- Guava

Guwauwa- Guava

Guwauwa Jam- Guava jam

Guwauwa poli- Guava poly

Gud size- bigger fish

Guddun- Very good

Gutch- Guts- Intestines

Gut nussing- Have nothing

Gut wun-There is one

Gwen- Going


Baut fer begen

Hannah- Type of rock fish

Harbu- Out of shape- Pregnant

Harn- Hand

Harwai- Guttering

Hawl- Haul

Hawl up- To pull it up

Hei í-  Shells clinging to the rocks black or white

Heiwo- Stunted

Hi- A type of cooking banana

Hopwei- Upset in the stomach-Feeling seedy

Huah- Strand for weaving

Hui hui- Its filthy or yuk

Hulu hulu- Tangle

Hummei- You and me

Huppa- Feeling joint pains-Cant walk good

Hupei-Snot- mucus in the nose

Huttei-Here it is

Ileo- Eel type oily fish found mainly of the coast of Down Rope

Illy- Groove -ridgy

Injan shot- Cannus 

Issy fish- Gar fish

Ito- Coconut that have started to sprout. Juice have turned solid

Jackass- Type of Tuna fish

Jacfrut- Papaya- pawpaw

Jebed- Small type of jumping fish in rock pools

Kauri- Sea shell

Keccle- Kettle

Kill Jinks- Pretending to be sick

Kirio- curio

Kutta kite- Kite made from Paper, niau & Banana bark

Lab lab- Wildbeans

Laig- leg

Lartar- type of tree

Lattus- A type of fish

Leggo- Let go

Lemo- Algae

Lettle sullun- child

Leszed- Lizzard

Lions Claw- Clam Shell

Lorli- Lollie- Lollie made from sugar cane mollasses

Lorng tongue- Tell on someone

Lornga- longer

Lorng fer- With

Lullie- Floppy

Luppo- To mix with Hands

Lushy- Feeling pretty


Make big- Feeling important

Mamayawlau- Land and Water crab light ocre colour

Mammie- To break up into small pieces

Madareen- Manderine

Marde-Mad- Dementia

Marlo- Argue


Mi Boi- My son -my boy

Mi Dauta- My Daughter- my girl

Mi'alhi- Not experience enough

Mane- Man

Maówlo-Fall to pieces

Mi'o- Fretful child

Miti- Wrass type fish

Moi-Type of fish abundant around Pitcairn Islands

Moiah- Bedding- Light blanket

Mo'o- type of grass. See skinners shit

Morga- Skinny

Morla- Tomorrow

Moto Boat- Motor boat- Longboat

Moulie- Uncombed

Ms T- Turpin

Mullun- Melon

Mullo- Sanatary pad

Mu'ma- Mother

Mumma- Pulp

Mummy- Type of rock fish

Mussa- Almost

Mutaphilli- Coconut without water. Loose in the shell

Mutta po o- A type of deep sea red cod

Muttic- A digging tool-Adze

Muttu- Small Island sandbar


Nanie- Female goat

Nanwei- Type of fish abundant around Pitcairn Islands

Nawa- Never

Nawei-To swim

Neble- Navel

Niau- Coconut leaf spine

Niau Broom- Broom made from coconut leaf spine

Nigas hoof- Red type of Yam

Ninnie- Drink

Nise- Noise

Notgutch- Possessive

Nowet- Know it- To know something

Nuttei- To lasso

Bounty Bay.jpg

03 Caufei es da bas

Obu- Flower of the Banana

Obrew- A type of greens similar to spinach

Offei- Light coloured jack fish

Oini- A woven coconut basket

Oili- Reddish large scale fish like Boniboni

Oodo- next to

Olly olly kik kik-Get nothing

Ometi- Wooden dish used for food or cleaning fish

Onga- Bright Reddish orange land crab in a shell

Oohu- A wrass type fish

Opapa-Type of cod fish

Opehi- A type of shellfish

Oren- Orange

Oruttu- Multicolour especially around a roosters neck

Ouh hu-Wrass fish with large bright blue scales or reddish

Outau- Root of the banyan tree

Outatau-Yarm seed growing on the vines of the yarm

Ovil-Young drinking coconut

Owai- Good size- bigger fish

Pa- Grandfather

Pafta- Table for drying Arrowroot

Papahia- To flog

Parnch- Guts

Parn- Wow. Upon my word

Parn mi word- Upon my word-Wow that’s incredible

PeheiScrape the backbone of a banana leaf

Picpic- Small fish- To cause an argument

Philhi- Grated food baked.In banana leaf 

Philli- Sticky

Pico- Vey young coconut

Pi pi- Blue bottle jelly fish

Pile- Family- a group

Pipi- Penis

Plun- Bananas

Plun Pi- Banana pie

Plun Pilhi- Green banana yawlau pilhi

Plunt- Plant something- Gardening- To Plant a post

Poly- A sweet pastie filled mainly with Guava, apple or other fruits

Poc's- Boil sore or carbuncal 

Po ó - Not ripe

Po ove- Beautiful blueish type of Parrot fish

Pope'i- Type of Yam

Porpei- Reddish fruit growing on shrubs on cliffs

Potta- Young Taro leaf cooked in coconut milk

Poat- Arse- Posteria

Po-aw- Sour soilunfertile

Po ei- Sweet Potatoe & Taro philhi

Podbeans- Grean beans

Po-o- Unripe fruit or veges

Poóve- Brilliant blue fish with pink, green stripes in parrot family

Pornto- Discoloured

Porpei- A reddish fruit, slightle tart with a stone in the middle growing on the side of the cliffs or by the sea

Potta- Young Taro leaves cooked

Pricka- A whalebone or wooden skewer for making hole in thatch. 

Pallo- Burly for fishing.

Puddo- Vagina

Pulau-A type of hibiscus tree. A place name.

Pulli- A place name where it is flat

Pullo- Husk of a coconut

Pu'pa- Father

Puriini-Type of Banana


Pussile box-A wooden box with a secret way to open it

Rammy- Sexually aroused

Ratcord- A cod fish found close to shore

Rautei- A plant

Rautun- Rotton

Red snappa- A deepsea Red black fin cod

Rulie- Sea Cucumber  Beach de mur

Rumma- Doodwi nut Torch use for light


Sank yu-Thank you


Sapli shep- Supply Ship

Sarwes- Secure. To tie down

Screp- Scrape  

Se- Is

Sennet- Plaited strip in multiple hua

Shef- Change into or out of clothing

Shimmi- Petticoat-The inner skin of a goat

Shrot- Throat

Si- See

Si da- See that

Siclep- A type of bottom fish close to shore

Sirstie- Thirsty.

Skimmer- A colander type utensil with a handle for taking of the scum of boiling mollasses

Skinners shit- Type of grass with sharp edges used for weaving.


Slippy- Sweet lip cod fish

Smal- Smells

Snakeskin cord- A cod fish found in very deep water

Soja- Dark brownish land crab in a coconut shell or other home

Sope- Soup

Sore ina heid- Mad sick in the head

Spida- Spider

Stobbet- Stop doing it. Behave 

Stolli- To tell a lie

Sullun- Person

Sweit Taitie- Sweet Potatoe

Sydney Plun- Type of Banana

Tait'e- Potatoes

Tai'ti-  pilhiSweet potato pilhi

Tala- Taro

Talhi- Basket

Tamoi- Red fish similar to Boniboni- small red rock fish with plenty bones

Tamur'ei- Type of fish

Tane- Male person

Tanema- Stone outside Water valley. A place of an agreement between gentlemen

Ta ow- Deep sea fish. Yellow with 3 stripes from wing to tail

Tarb- Machete- Big knife

Tartrimoa- A creeping plant with hooky thorns and prickly seed pod

Tarla- Taro

Tarplo- Absorbent cloth placed under a baby or incontient person

Tarpti- Cling to each other-Carry a Baby on your hips

Tarpau- Tree known only on PI-Sticky sap from tree, fruit or vegetable

Tartramau- Running flat vine like plant with Hook thorns every where

Taubit- Wait a minute

Taung- Yukk -Not good about eating it

Taow- type of yellow fish out deep

Tintola- Sweetheart

Tauau- A stick to carry load across the shoulder-To carry on your shoulder

Ti Ti- Bland-No taste

Tolli- Palm root used for rafters on thatch roofs.

Tonna- Chickens ass. Ass

Tordlen Ien- Harpoon

Totuwei- Type of sea crab

Tull- Tell

Tulla- Fins of a fish

Tumpuli- Fat

Tunno-Type of poisonous fish

Tunni- Skin discoulouration- A type of tinea

Turrut- Young or small

Ty har man- To prevent bad luck

04 Dem Mandareen es sweit un

Ua-ua- Coconut fibre

Ubhume- PI oven made from stone

Ucklan- We all-Us

Ulla- or

Ulwa- Jack type fish

Una- Grater

Unnei- Type of fish. Similar to Nanwei

Upha Rabbit-To go full speed

Uphei- Shiny type of Taro leaf

Upíe- Limpet

Wala wala- Messy and out of shape

Wallie- Valley

Washup- Large bowl for mixing food or for cleaning dishes

Wase- Where is it

Wase dar- Where is that 

Wase et- Where is it

Wase dem- Where are they

Wase hem- Where is he

Wase her- Where is she

Wase mi..Where is my…

Water wallie- Harbour at Tedside

Wawaha- Showing ofSnob

Weckle- Food

Weihei- To wrap food in Banana leaf and cook it

Welk- Shell fish

Wewen- Weaving

Whessle - Whistle

Whesslen dauta- Small wrass type fish very colourful

White fish-Silvery type of fish

Wi-We all-Us

Wudda- What is it

wun- One

Wuna wuna- Sea urchin with sharp spikes

Wunt- Want

Wut-  What

Wut a way- Greeting. How are you.

Wutset- What is it

Wussing- What thing or what is it

Yarm- Yam

Yawa- A type of silverish fish found close to shore

Yawlau- To grate on a grater or stone

Yotta- Grated coconut

Yulla- small type

Yulla scrub- Small cheeky brat

Aute Fance.JPG



Written by Meralda Warren© APRA 733460

My Great great grandma and her husband Sam

went to rummer one dark dark night

The Candle nut torch gave them just enough light

as of to St Paul’s they trod

The Candle nut torch gave them just enough light

as of to St Paul’s they trod

Oh Great Great grandpa gave Agnes a start

as she netted the shallow pool

Her Big skirt held high Sams rummer touched her behind

The pool was named Ooh ah Ooh

Her Big skirt held high Sams rummer touched her behind

The pool was named Ooh ah Ooh


Now Aurthur Quintal and his best mate Dan

were discussing their sister’s fate

Who will marry first as through the waves they burst

From Tedsides shores they swam a ways a way

Who will marry first as through the waves they burst

From Tedsides shores they swam a ways a way


Together they swam reaching for each other’s hand Together the rock was claimed

The rock is Tanema an agreement thus far

A great beginning for our young mates our Mates

The rock is Tanema an agreement thus far

A great beginning for our young mates


So young Matt Quintal claimed his set of rocks

Adams the other one too

Maimiti her pool, John catch his cow, Timiti that crack is just for you

A credit to our kin as the names kept pouring in

Pitcairns places seen by me and you


Maimiti Haven Arts

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