Welcome to Pitcairn Island.
Dear customers. Choose what you want from my online store and proceed all the way to check out. Wix will confirm the order to me through email and I will send you an invoice through for payment. Or email me your order directly to
For NZ customers, Poli or Direct online banking. Thank you for your patience.
Your Order will be processed packed and posted for our next outgoing mail.
Next Mail out April 2025
Your Parcel delivery
Dear Customer,
On my Home page, I will let you know when mail is closing here on Pitcairn Island and when our ship Silver Supporter departs for New Zealand.
Silver Supporter will leave Pitcairn with all our mail in a shipping container plus our empty containers plus passengers getting off in Mangareva. The Passengers will disembark in Mangareva 2 days after leaving Pitcairn Island. The ship will then leave Mangareva on its voyage to Tauranga New Zealand which will take 2 weeks.
Once they arrived in Tauranga, Officials will clear the ship, and our containers will be with NZ Customs and MAF authorities. This is where the big hold up is and we don't know how long this process will take. Our shipping agent in Auckland New Zealand, Shuttles Group LTD will collect our shipping containers and deliver the mail to NZ Post. It takes a long time trying to find out where abouts is our mail. Once in NZ Post system, the tracking number our Postmaster have assigned to your parcel on the day it is posted in our Pitcairn Island Post office, this number will be activated.
This part of the journey is where I as your provider HAVE NO SAY in where your parcel is or which route it is taking to your destiny. It will depend on the tracking number provided.
I am always here to help if I may.
Some customers have been very abusive, but we have to stay strong.
Some have been able to claim refund, but their goods were delivered after their dispute.
Only a few have repaid me for Goods they received in the end.
Today its not easy like a few years ago when shipping went through in a matter of weeks instead of now months. In the 90s it took 9 days from Pitcairn to USA. Now with more technology, its months.
I am sorry for the inconvenience with shipping. Thank you to the ones who don't mind the wait.
Meralda Warren